Common Mistakes Men Make When Taking Erectile Dysfunction Pills copy

Common Mistakes Men Make When Taking Erectile Dysfunction

ED medicines like Viagra, Kamagra Jelly, and Cialis are the most used and popular treatments for treating Erectile Dysfunction. ED medicines are also very effective. Therefore, many men rely on them for treating their ED. But, many men make some common mistakes when they take ED pills that fail their treatment.

In a survey, it was found that 69 percent of males weren’t able to cure their ED even after taking ED pills. The reason behind that was they were making some obvious mistakes because of a lack of knowledge.

There needs to be Sexual Stimulation

In order for ED medicine to work efficiently, a male must experience some sexual stimulation. If there is no sexual stimulation, then the effects of an ED pill will be very less or even show no effects at all.

Therefore, taking an ED pill will only be successful if you are feeling some sexual desires. So, only take ED pills when you are feeling sexually aroused. You should take ED medicines like Viagra, Kamagra Jelly, Cialis are the most used and popular treatments for treating Erectile Dysfunction pills 30 to 60 minutes before sex.

When you get sexually aroused, your brain signals the muscles of your penis, which release a chemical. ED medicine helps this chemical to erect your penis. Therefore, sexual stimulation is crucial for ED medicines to work.

Taking the Minimum Dosage May Not Always Help

Don’t consider an ED medicines like Viagra, Kamagra Jelly, Cialis are the most used and popular treatments for treating Erectile Dysfunction medicine ineffective if you haven’t tried out its maximum dosage. The correct way of consuming an ED medicine is to first start from the minimum dosage and try it two times and see if that’s working for you. If the minimum dosage is not working, then increase the dosage and try it two times.

Repeat this process until you have found the dosage which is working for you perfectly. If you are suffering from diseases like diabetes, cancer, or hypertension, then you should always consult your doctor about what dosage you should take. 

Eating Heavy Meals before Taking Kamagra Jelly

This is one of the most common mistakes men make that ruin the effect of their ED pills. Eating a heavy meal before taking an ED pill like Kamagra jelly is a big NO. ED pills work best on an empty stomach, so you need to at least wait for 2 to 3 hours after a meal to take your ED pill.

ED pills don’t get properly absorbed if there is food present in the stomach. If a person needs 100 mg of ED medicines like Viagra, Kamagra Jelly, and Cialis are the most used and popular treatments for treating Erectile Dysfunction pill and he consumes a 100 mg dose after a meal, then only 50% of that, I.e. 50 mg of dose, is going to get absorbed.

Therefore, avoid taking ED pills after a meal.

Wait a While Before Having Sex

Engaging in sexual activity just after taking an ED pill is also one of the most common mistakes men make. If you are taking medicines with Sildenafil like Viagra and Kamagra jelly, then you need to wait for at least 30 to 60 minutes before having sex. If you are taking Tadalafil-containing medicines like Cialis, then you need to wait for at least 2 to 3 hours before engaging in sexual activities.

The reason why you should wait for a certain amount of time after taking an ED medicine like Viagra, Kamagra Jelly, and Cialis are the most used and popular treatments for treating Erectile Dysfunction pills is that they require time to come into effect. Therefore, it’s essential that you give your medicine an appropriate amount of time to show its effects, otherwise you are wasting your time and money.

Consider Trying another Medicine

Don’t lose hope if the medicine is not working for you. It’s unnecessary that other medicine will work for you but you won’t know that unless you try. Different medicines work differently for different people, so you should keep trying other medicines.

If PDE5 inhibitor ED medicines like Viagra, Kamagra oral jelly, and Cialis are not working for you then you can also try another type of medicine. Alprostadil is the name of one such ED medicine Viagra, Kamagra Jelly, and Cialis are the most used and popular treatments for treating Erectile Dysfunction medicine, which are very effective. You can take alprostadil via injection or via the opening point of your penis.